Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Gratitude Gifts Today

Two candles are burning on the Advent wreath and the days are counting down.  All around me are the signs of Christmas and the messages of devotionals and sermons are turning my thoughts more and more to this wondrous miracle that we remember.

#3381 - #3416

- lights glowing on the outside of the house
- Nativity figures gathered on the mantle
- a new Advent candle stand
- excitement as the tree ornaments were unwrapped
- imagination that can make a tree out of anything tall!

- my favourite quilt hanging back on the wall
- Christmas all around the house
- building a fort with chairs and cushions
- reading books together
- little hands tucked in mine

- seeing her school
- her wonder "why were all the people clapping for me?"
- teachers who guide and care for little students
- a school that's raising money to build a school in Kenya
($3000 out of $8500 raised so far!)
- watching as she (and a classmate from every classroom) got People Respecting Others awards

- dry roads
- spending an evening with my parents
- my wonderful Dad
- seeing so much of Dad and Bob's Dad in our son
- a visit to an almost-ready-to-move-in house

- phone calls and news from Samuel and Melinda
- catching up on what everyone did over the weekend
- signs of Christmas everywhere
- safe travel for Bob
- Maëlle's giggle

- daily capture of December
- safe arrival of our great-nephew
- names that come with strong Bible characters
- bread baking
- our daughter and son-in-law's happy front door (and a self-portrait)

- that God would send His son to us
- Zechariah who waited for so, so long on God's promises
- that "nothing is impossible with God"
- pastors who bring the gospel alive
- songs of Christmas

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Crystal. I always smile when I read your gratitude lists, you know. It fills me with joy for you.
