Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lists of 2011 - #13

Listography #13 - Guiltiest Pleasures

1.  Starbuck's Chai Lattes

2.  Pepsi with Lime

3.  Chocolate covered almonds

4.  Reading in bed in the morning

5.  Using beautiful writing papers for lists and letters

6.  Fresh cut flowers in the middle of winter

7.  Long visits after school with teacher friends

8.  Phone calls to family

9.  Reliving our travels through photos

10. Fresh baked bread with butter


  1. Hmmmm, my friend - I would class some of those as life's little essentials, not guilty pleasures!

  2. love your list!

    did you find this one hard to do? i had a heck of a time thinking of things to put on my list.

  3. I had a hard time with this list specifically because I try to avoid guilt as much as possible! I am with ya on #3 and #10 though. Yum!
