Monday, July 12, 2010

Gratitude Gifts Today

holy experience

These things have given me joy this week!

- filled up garden space

- much needed rain

- flowers that just keep blooming, especially my rose bush that always make think of the givers

- buds with the promise of more flowers to come!

- a visit to the Farmer's Market

- fresh blueberries

- fresh fruit pies

- knowing that the producer is getting my food dollars

- spending time with my sister

- fresh dill from my dad's garden

- a clean kitchen counter

- birds singing

- walks with my sister and her husband

- watching the sun set across the lake

- my camera

- good food

- mixed nuts

- phone calls with our children

- fresh flowers on the kitchen table

- time with my sewing machine

- thinking about new opportunities

- fragrant sweet peas from my mom and dad's garden

- a gladiola bulb pushing through the soil (thanks D & K)

- ordering photos to be printed

- advice and help understanding situations

- learning more about the kind of person I am

- gold and green

- Alberta skies with clouds

- neighbours

- rainy day visits

- time to read my Bible

- a story so good you just have to turn another page

- haircuts

- blessing after blessing


  1. Yum, I like the sound of the farmers market visit. How did the pies taste? I think I like peach pie best. I love reading your list and hearing what you're experiencing. Miss you!

  2. I love how you notice all of the simple things in life and show their beauty. Your pictures make fruit look yummier, flowers prettier and children even cuter than what they already are. Love your blog and enjoy reading in weekly. You help me slow down and take notice of the smaller things in life that are so precious!

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Those sweet peas are so pretty! Beautiful list, as always.
