Monday, April 21, 2008

South American Highlights #9


It's a cold snowy day in Alberta so come away with me to the Amazon Jungle!

While we were at the Eco Park Lodge, we took boats upstream a short way to visit a monkey rehabilitation center. Monkeys that have been taken away from smugglers would come here to be reintroduced to the jungle. Most of them are found at airports, drugged and stuffed into suitcases on their way out of the country. Poachers and smugglers are heavily fined but still some manage to get away with it.

Our visit was planned to coincide with feeding time so we could see the largest number of monkeys. They come in from wherever they might be roaming in the jungle to get some food. They hope that eventually they will be independent again but it's a long process.

There were about 25 monkeys in several species who came for lunch.

What a strong tail this guy had as he stretched to find treats. Love the jungle paint that Peter's wearing here. (As I've been reviewing pictures, I'm struck by how many pictures of Peter we have in our collection. I'm in the process of getting them together so I can print them for Annie, his wife. I think she's going to have a great collection of their last trip together.)

Lou, from Washington State, made a new friend.

I was holding a Brazil nut and this guy was quick to come and get it.

The Amazon jungle was a fascinating place - so much to see and do! And we only saw a small corner of it. This is definitely a place you need to put on your list of spots to visit!


  1. Love your jungle paint, too. ;)
    This looks like a very neat place to visit and meet new friends. It is sad though that there is so much poaching and smuggling of animals in places like the Amazon. The photos look warm and inviting, unlike Alberta right now. What will it be like when we arrive?

  2. Cute war paint! Love the "Monkey Tales" :) My brother always wanted a pet Monkey when was younger. He figured he could train it to clean his room! It's another Snow Day at home for me today, YAY... more scrapbooking! Whow wants to venture out in this weather.

  3. Wow, that's so awesome! I'd love to see them one day! Helayna would too!

  4. WOW!!! This is truly such an AMAZING experience!!! Really love all the photographs and reading about it all! Those monkeys look so friendly and soft and snuggly! xoxo

  5. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Crystal -- Greetings from Central Washington!
    You got the photo I didn't get of the monkey on Lou's back -- thank you! I had just turned my camera off when that happened and by the time I got it out, it was over. So thankful to you for never putting your camera away. You are a great photographer and we are enjoying reading your highlights along with everyone else.
    Debbie Hesse
    fellow traveler
